Déesse -

Déesse -

Déesse is a self-taught French artist, born in Germany in 1954 in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance.
Déesse's sculptures are a synthesis of current trends. Her sphere of influence is inspired by graffiti and bad painting. She applies a pop cubist style of bright colours borrowed from the Brazilian panel to her round, colourful sculptures. Déesse's inspirations include Mondrian, Klee, Malévitch and Vasarely, whose family she knew well.

Déesse's world, which seems so jovial and cheerful, is no less raw. Her travels, and her thirst to magnify shapes and colours, allow her to apply her artistic tastes.

His collections of round, colourful sculptures are known the world over, and his feminine and maternal works are distinguished by series that are now widely recognised.


